National Nutrition Month is an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics during the month of March, everyone should learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.
Come by the greenhouses and pick up some lettuce, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage and many other herbs and vegetables that you can purchase and plant in your garden or start yourself a container garden. What a way to celebrate an end to a great month by planting some healthy vegetables and herbs and feeding yourself! The way the prices look in the grocery stores it wouldn't hurt us all to plant a garden. Happy National Nutrition Month to each and everyone!
I believe most people with a cell phone have some type of Social Media. There are the rare few that do not. I want to take a minute to discuss the different types of Social Media that we use to promote Louderbranch Farms.
Social Networking is a big one for most people. The main type of social networking that most people are familiar with is Facebook. The benefits of using Facebook for us is that it allows us to get our branding out to a lot of people that otherwise may have never heard of us. We use the same logo to familiarize people with our products and our catch phrase is "Louderbranch Farms is the Flavor You Can't Forget". Social Networking helps you build relationships with your customers. It makes interacting with people so much easier and it allows for good customer service. If you know us and want to keep up with what is going on at the farm just like us on Facebook. Our Facebook page is Another type of social media is known as media sharing. It allows us here at the farm to share videos and photographs with people. It allows you to widen your audience base. The ones that are most used are Instagram and YouTube. We utilize both of these. Hopefully in the future we will do more videos to share with you on YouTube. Instagram is more of the photographs we like to share. The newest media sharing craze in social media has to be TikTok. It allows users to create videos by recording them directly using the app. You can also upload a video from outside the app. The video recorder lets you choose whether to create a 15-second or 60-second video. We just recently started using TikTok to help get our story out there. Follow us on TikTok Follow us on Instagram On Youtube Subscribe to our channel and like our videos. We appreciate each and everyone of our customers. If you are not a customer you need to check us out.. We are a very diversified farm. We are busy now preparing for our busiest time of the year... SPRING! We will open back up to regular full time hours more than likely around the first of March this year instead of April. We have pretty much turned this into a year around business and that is a good thing. Suscribe, Follow Us, Like Us but we hope more than anything that you will just love us. Always remember that "Louderbranch Farms is the Flavor You Can't Forget". isCarpenter bees are beneficial to the environment because they are excellent pollinators. Unfortunately, if they nest in or around your home, carpenter bees can cause extensive damage to softwoods such as pine and cedar. They sell traps to kill them but why let them die if they are good pollinators and beneficial to the environment. You can take this trap and catch them and when you catch them instead of leaving them in the trap to die you can relocate them away from your home or wherever they are causing you problems.
This trap is ready for when they crawl in you can take the trap and unscrew the jar lid to relocate them to a better environment for the bee. Oh wait I can! Don't forget to set your clock forward on March 14th. This will really benefit us here on the farm. It may not mean a lot to some but to us that few more hours of daylight is a true blessing. The chickens lay more eggs and we can get more work done.
Today I want to talk to you about Lettuce. It is the time of year to get that planted. Lettuce is such an easy crop that anyone should be able to grow. You don't have to have a garden to grow lettuce. Lettuce is a very nutritious crop that is a great option for container gardening, raised beds and even planting straight in the ground. If you don't have a garden or raised beds there are options for you. A nice container will grow you some fresh lettuce. You plant lettuce in early spring during the mild weather. Lettuce also loves some shade in the afternoon instead of full sun. Lettuce will bolt and grow to tall if it gets to much sun. You will need to space your plants apart about 6 to 12 inches according to the type of lettuce you have. Lettuce likes to keep a consistent moisture level. You can keep it consistent by applying some mulch or leaves around it. Feed your lettuce regularly with a water-soluble plant food. When your lettuce is ready to harvest you will want to cut it from the outside in. Always cut the outer leaves first to promote more leaf growth. We have 4 types of lettuce here at the farm for sale. We carry Romaine, Simpson Elite (Green Leaf Lettuce) Mesclun and Bistro Gourmet. They are all lovely lettuce plants. We are open from 9-6 Monday through Saturday and closed on Sundays. We are located at 244 Windy Hollow Rd. Walhalla. Remember Louderbranch Farms is the flavor you can't forget! We also want to say to "lettuce be thankful for the little things in life. Happy Friday everyone! I was just sitting here thinking of all the things that we have to accomplish in just a few months. Most people are indoors not doing much this time of year. For us here at Louderbranch Farms it is crunch time.
Bone Broth is made by simmering the different bones of an animal. In beef you can get shanks, knuckles and meaty beef bones and some people even use the hooves. The benefits of making your own would be you know what your are eating. You are getting many important vitamins. Animal bones are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals. These are the same minerals that are needed to make your bones strong. People also use the connective tissues which are known to support joint health. Marrow is found in some bones and it provides many vitamins and minerals as well as Omega fatty acids. All of these parts contain protein collagen which turns into a gelatin when cooked and yields many important amino acids. As the bones simmer their nutrients are released into the broth into a form which your body can absorb. A lot of people do not get enough of these nutrients in their diet so using bone broth is a good way to supplement them into your diet. There are many other reasons and things that bone broth can help with. Please read bone broth on to see more of these benefits. I did my research for this article from their website. Louderbranch Farms carries beef bones along with chicken bones, feet and organs to make stock to fight off the winter colds. I have also included a recipe to make beef bone broth. This recipe is extremely simple.
Calendula is known for its diverse gardening, culinary and medical benefits. It is primarily known as a healing plant because of it's soothing abilities. It is a plant that can do it all. Its brightly colored flower petals makes them an eye catching addition to everyone's garden. The healing properties they have make them a go to in the first aid cabinet.
They are also known as the "Pot Marigold" I am growing the series called Bon Bon Mix. They are cool weather plants. They get about 12 inches tall with a 10 - 12 inch spread. The flower is used as a medicinal plant whose antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties make it a strong ingredient for healing. Calendula flowers can be ground into powder or made into oils, creams, and ointments. It can also be used in cosmetics, soaps, shampoos and body creams, and wound treatment, both internally and topically. The health benefits of Calendula are heals wounds, assists with digestive and immune system, hydrates and nourishes dry skin, slows development of wrinkles, and it reduces scarring. There are many ways to use Calendula. You can get a lot of the health benefits by making it into a tea. You can drink it or gargle with it to cure a sore throat. You can make Calendula oil for the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds in the oil. They are great for wound healing. So come by and see us and get you a couple of these great plants to add to your garden and get creative with all the things that you can do with them. For most people a bee sting is just a bother not really life threatening but for a honeybee it does mean death. Honeybees are the only type of bee that dies after they sting you. Wasps and other species don't lose their stingers so they may sting you more than once. When a bee stings you, it leaves behind a venomous toxin that can cause pain and other symptoms. Some people are allergic to this toxin. Mild allergic reactions may cause redness and increased swelling at the sting site. Yesterday Mike was walking around at the beehives and he walked into the path of a busy bee and it stung his hand. We had places to go so we just went ahead and left. As we were driving down the road he sees the stinger still in his hand. Not thinking he just reaches down and grabs it. He notices that his hand is swelling pretty badly. He took a Benadryl. a couple hours later his hand is still swelling so we took another Benadryl. and still a couple more hours it is still not going down any so we took another Benadryl. None the less to say he slept real good last night. When he woke up this morning his hand is still really swollen so I started doing research. I found a great article on for home remedies for bee stings so this is where I got my information for the blog. Please go check out their website it is very informational. Mike at this point had already told me where he went wrong. The problem was where he just reached down and grabbed the stinger. It released any and all venom that it had in it still. You are supposed to take your fingernail or a credit card of some type and rub it against it to remove the stinger. This will help curb the amount of toxins released into your skin. Then it is best to wash the site with soap and water and apply ice. The ice is the most effective way to reduce venom absorption. It will also help reduce the swelling. In the picture below this is Mike's hand this morning. We just put a circle around the place that the stinger was for our own purpose. It was hard to tell since it was so swollen. If you are not allergic to bees you can treat most bee stings at home. Most home treatments aren't supported by scientific research but they have been passed down by generations. I was raised on home remedies. 1. Honey - may help with wound healing, pain, and itching. To treat bee stings with honey, apply a small amount to the affected area. Cover with a loose bandage and leave on for up to an hour. 2. Baking soda - A paste made of baking soda and water can help neutralize bee venom to reduce pain, itching, and swelling. Apply a thick layer of baking soda paste to the affected area. Cover the paste with a bandage. Leave on for at least 15 minutes and re-apply as needed. 3. Apple cider vinegar- Vinegar may also help neutralize bee venom. Soak the sting site in a basin of apple cider vinegar for at least 15 minutes. You can also soak a bandage or cloth in the vinegar and then apply it to the sting site. 4. Toothpaste - It’s unclear why toothpaste can help bee stings. Some people claim that alkaline toothpaste neutralizes acidic honeybee venom. If true, however, toothpaste won’t work on alkaline wasp venom. Either way, toothpaste is an inexpensive and easy home remedy to try. Simply dab a bit on the affected area. 5. Meat tenderizer - An enzyme in meat tenderizer called papain is also believed to help break down the protein that causes pain and itching. To treat a bee sting this way, make a solution of one-part meat tenderizer and four-parts water. Apply to the sting site for up to 30 minutes. 6. Wet aspirin tablet - A popular home remedy for reducing the pain and swelling of a bee sting is to apply a wet aspirin or aspirin paste to the sting site. Results of one 2003 studyTrusted Source showed that applying aspirin topically to bee stings or wasp stings actually increased redness and didn’t decrease the duration of swelling or pain compared to using ice alone. 7. Herbs and oils - These herbs have wound-healing properties and may help relieve symptoms of a bee sting:
Just remember to take your fingernail or a card or something and rub over it to pull the stinger out do not reach down and just grab it. If you have any of the following issues after a honeybee sting or any other sting you may be having a severe allergic reaction and you would need to seek emergency help. Some people have life threatening allergic reactions to stings so don't wait to long to seek out assistance.
I hope this blog finds everyone doing great on this Friday. I just wanted to take a minute to share this learning moment to just take a second to think and don't always be in such a hurry. It probably would have saved him a little misery if he would have slowed down a minute to just think. I know from now on we both will realize instantly what needs to be done in case of a honeybee sting. Remember Louderbranch Farms is the flavor you can't forget! Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone! Information from: If you have a problem with mosquitoes do I have some thing to help you.. The first one is a Lemon Scented Geranium. This gorgeous mosquito fighter plant does great in containers. It is a great addition to your porch, patio, balcony, sitting area or pool side in your yard. Place them where you can brush against them or run your hand over it. The more you touch it the more Lemon Scent you will be able to smell. Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Strong lemon-scented foliage. A well known culinary herb variety that adds a delicate but delicious lemon flavor to any dish. Use fresh flowers as a garnish, or add leaves for a lemony flavor - layer leaves at the bottom of your cake pan, add the batter & allow that rich flavor to bake in! Blooms: spring-summer. Bloom color: pink. Ht: 18-24". Width: 18-24". Exp.: sun. Water: moderately. Protect from severe frost.
Plant # 2 is Bee Balm it is also a mosquito repelling plant and is commonly know as wild bergamot. It will attract many pollinators to your garden like bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. It is used in jellies, tea and as a delicious garnish for salads and other dishes. Plant # 3 is Basil. The scent is strong and may also keep away mosquitoes. It brings us great dishes such as spaghetti sauce and is tasty in salads. This plant naturally emits its aroma so you do not have to crush the leaves or brush against it to make it work. Basil is toxic to mosquito larvae. It will deter mosquitoes from laying their eggs anywhere around it. Plant #4 is Catnip. It contains a chemical which is a strong mosquito repellent. Your cats will also love this plant. It is a top choice among the list of plants that repel the pesky mosquitoes that make us itch and scratch all summer. Catnip is easy to care for but can be invasive if planted in a garden bed. Plant #5 is Lemon Balm. It is frequently used to reduce stress and stomach troubles. This plant is also an invasive plant if planted in a garden bed. It is great in soups and other dishes. The lemon scent will deter the dreaded mosquito. Plant # 6 is Citronella Balm. The strong scent of citronella is commonly used in mosquito repellents and candles. It is a low maintenance plant. It is also good to repel flies. Plant # 7 is Lavender. The pleasant smell can calm your mind after a long busy day but it will also drive mosquitoes very far away. It is great in teas and is used in many other things because of it's calming features. We have all of these plants here at Louderbranch Farms greenhouses. Please stop by and see us. We are still open and are practicing social distancing. If you do not feel safe by stopping by you can place your order by email at [email protected] or call us at 864-482-1850 and we will get it ready and bring it to your car when you come to pick up. We are located at 244 Windy Hollow Rd. Walhalla. Our hours of operation are from 9-6 Monday through Saturday and closed on Sundays. Remember Louderbranch Farms is the flavor you can't forget. Container gardening is a great way to grow fresh vegetables especially if you do not have any land to grow them in a garden. If you have a patio, balcony or even a small area or rooftop then container gardening is for you. If you love gardening but hate to weed then container gardening is also for you. If your area is small you can try a raised bed. There are so many reasons that you should give this a try and grow some of your own food.
You need to avoid small containers because they can’t store enough water to get through hot days and they get root bound. The bigger your container, the more plants you can grow! Use buckets, baskets, boxes or anything that holds soil. Just be sure that it has drainage holes in the bottom. Plastic pots retain moisture better and won’t dry out as fast. Black pots absorb heat when they are sitting in the sun. Many plants grown in pots must be watered as often as twice a day. To keep plants adequately cool and moist during hot summer days, double-pot: Place a small pot inside a larger one and fill the space between them with sphagnum moss or crumpled newspaper. When watering the plant, also soak the filler between the pots. Hanging baskets make good use of extra space, and herbs, cherry tomatoes, and strawberries grown at eye level can be easily tended and harvested. You can add about 1 inch of coarse gravel in the bottom of containers to improve drainage. Vegetables that can be easily transplanted are best suited for containers. Transplants can be purchased from Louderbranch Farms Greenhouses or started at home. Place containers where they will receive maximum sunlight and good ventilation. Watch for and control insect pests and water and fertilize when needed. Along with plants for container gardening LBF has a big bag of dirt, fertilize and also some containers for sale. Come by and see us and get your Container Gardening Growing. Remember that Louderbranch Farms is the flavor you can't forget. This information came from the Farmers Almanac website. |
AuthorThe voice behind the blog will be Mike & Rhonda Loudermilk. Life at Louderbranch Farms is very far from simple. It is very complicated at times. We would love to live a slower paced life but that is just not possible for what we are trying to accomplish. We both work full time jobs for others plus have our own business. We spend most of our time working. That is what we do! We love gardening, caring for our animals and making handmade bath products such as Rhonda Lynne's Ole Fashioned Soap. Archives
March 2022
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