Beefsteak 80 days. Very large, ribbed, bright scarlet fruits weigh up to 2 lbs. Excellent slicer. Indeterminate.This information comes from HPS Seed one of the many vendors we purchase our seed from.
Black Krim An extraordinary beefsteak that has been grown and treasured for generations in its native Russia, Black Krim is as packed with flavor as it is with dark, rich color! These large, distinctive tomatoes are absolute tops for meaty, true tomato tang! Reaching 8 to 12 ounces on average, this fruit arises on open-pollinated plants that keep bearing all season (indeterminate). Give them lots of support -- the stems need help holding up their bounty of big, heavy tomatoes! Open-pollinated, so be sure to save the seeds for next year! This information comes from Park Seed Company one of the many vendors that we purchase seeds from.
Brandywine Red The most popular heirloom tomato in America, Brandywine earns its name with indescribably rich flavor seldom found in modern varieties. It's tangy in the classic tomato way, but also rich and sweet, with a juicy succulent bite that really satisfies. Bearing little resemblance to bland, smooth, evenly red modern hybrids, Brandywine sets big fruit of purplish-red, deeply lobed and not at all "uniform"! Brandywine is a favorite among connoisseurs of classic tomatoes. The plants are indeterminate, for good yields over a long season. The fruit is surprisingly large -- 12 ounces or more -- and no two will look exactly alike. Attention-getting, distinctive, and tried-and-true, Brandywine is truly a classic! This information comes from Park Seed Company one of the many vendors that we purchase seeds from.
Cherokee Purple A beloved heirloom as valuable for its flavor as it is for its unusual look, Cherokee Purple sets giant beefsteaks weighing about a pound and filled with intense violet-purple hues. This is a true legacy plant, believed to have originated more than 120 years ago in the Cherokee nation in Tennessee. The vining plant is very heavy bearing, and each of these tomatoes is a masterpiece of color, flavor, and history. This information comes from Park Seed Company one of the many vendors we purchase our seed from.
German Johnson German Johnson is a must-have for any garden of those who value rich tomato flavor, good production, and open-pollinated types for seed saving. Discovered growing in West Virginia more than a century ago, It quickly became a favorite for its large, nearly seedless 1- to 2-pound fruits. The deep pink color is distinctive, but the real benefit is the flavor: creamy, tangy, meaty, and juicy. The fruits are lobed and resist cracking, growing to incredible size with just a bit of support from tomato cages or pens. Very tolerant of heat but also perform well in cooler weather. This information comes from Park Seed Company one of the many vendors we purchase our seeds from.
German Pink One of the two German heirlooms introduced into America in 1883 that later started the heirloom- laden ‘Seed Savers Exchange’ company. Deep pink, beefsteak sized, 10 to 20-oz. fruits are meaty, nearly seedless and fairly smooth, with lots of rich, sweet flavor. Ideal for slicing, juicing, canning or freezing. Potato leaved, indeterminate plants. This information comes from Seedsnsuch one of the many vendors we purchase seed from.
Marion A Rutgers-type, that is earlier and more disease resistant. Strong vines feature medium-large, smooth, 6 oz. globes, with small blossom end scars and high yields. Especially adapted to the Southeast. Indeterminate. This information comes from Totally Tomatoes one of the many vendors we purchase our seeds from.
Mortgage Lifter Longtime favorite with good yields of very large, smooth, pink-skinned fruits even in droughts. Very meaty fruits with few seeds, much like Giant Belgium, but not quite as large. Very mild, delectable, sweet flavor. Indeterminate, This information comes from Totally Tomatoes one of the many vendors we purchase our seeds from.
Mr Stripey 80 days Ridged-shouldered, large fruits, yellow with pinkish-red stripes. Quite mild, low acid, with few seeds. Virginia favorite. Indeterminate.
Roma The classic variety for canning and saucing. Also known as plum or paste tomatoes, Roma is a small, thick-walled, flavorful tomato just right for crushing into savory sauces that hold spice beautifully and yield a rich, authentic, meaty tomato tang! You can expect dozens of 2- to 3-ounce, pear-shaped bright red fruits on very heavy-bearing plants. Roma is a determinate plant, meaning that it sets its crop all at once, which makes harvesting and canning these tomatoes much simpler. Instead of picking newly ripened fruit all summer long, with Roma you can get it all out of the way at once. These bright red, thick-walled, heavy tomatoes are simply superb for pastes and sauces. They have very few seeds, which also speeds up the canning and saucing process, and their interiors are a perfect blend of gels and solids. For concentrated flavor, Roma simply cannot be improved upon! Resistant to Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt Race 1, and Nematodes, This information comes from Park Seed Company one of the many vendors we purchase our seeds from.
Rutgers All-purpose variety, ideal for canning. Ripens evenly from inside out. Bright red fruits with heavy walls average about 7 oz. Attractive, old-time favorite. Full-bodied flavor and disease resistant. Determinate. This information comes from Totally Tomatoes one of the many vendors we purchase our seeds from.